Friday, September 5, 2008

The Evolution of Brahman in Manifestation

It is said that everything in the universe is a manifestation of the principle of Brahman. The process of manifestation of the principle of Brahman is the theme of the second chapter of Eitereya Upanishad.

Om purushe ha va ayamadito garbho bhavati yadretah
Sambhootamatmanyeva/tmanam bibhartim
Tadyada striyam sinchatyathainajjanayati
Tadasya prathamam janmah

Meditate on pranava that lies dormant in everything in the manifested universe. In the beginning the principle of virility manifested as the potential for productive engagement. This potential, this primordial sperm, was drawn from the various organs of the manifestations of Brahman. Virility thus carries within it the potential formed of the essence of all principles. When this potential gets deposited on an aspect of femininity it brings forth something into the manifested universe. A potential when it is coupled with a demand brings forth a product. That is the first step in the process of manifestation.

Tat striya atmabhooyam gachchati yatha svamangam tatha
Tasmadenam na hinasti
Sa/smaitamatmanamatra gatam bhavayati

The potential when it gets deposited on a feminine presence merges with it harmoniously and becomes a part of it. So the feminine presence does not get extinguished by the process in any way. It recognizes the virility and nurtures it as a sprout of Brahman.

Sa bhavayatree bhavayitavya bhavati
Tam stree garbham bibharti
So/gra kumaram janmano/gre/dhibhavayati
Sa yat kumaram janmano/gre/dhibhavayatmanameva
Tat bhavayatyesham lokana santatya
Evam sanata heeme lokastadasya dviteeyam janma

The feminine presence with which the sperm of virility got engaged nurtures the virility. She carries the embryo and is being nurtured by the virility that had impregnated her. Virility thus nurtures the embryo through its mother. After birth virility keeps nurturing its offspring as if that is its own self. The entanglement of virility with the nourishment needed to whet appetites is essential to provide continuity to the structure of manifested universe. The father, mother and child thus are inseparable parts of a whole. This mutual support and dependency between potential, demand and product ensures the continuity between the various domains. This evolution of the principle of the continuity between domains is the second step in the manifestation of Brahman.

So/syayamatma punyebhyah karmebhyah pratidheeyate
Athasyayamitara atma krutakrutyo vayogatah praiti
Sa itah prayanneva punarjayate tadasya truteeyam janma

The offspring is verily the essence of the actions and virtues of the forces that brought it into being. It grows up to act as the agent of virility for the subsequent generation. The parental virility recedes into the background when it has fulfilled the role expected of it. It then becomes the subject of another birth. The evolution of this principle of recursive births is the third step in the manifestation of Brahman.

Taduktamrusheena garbhenu sannanveshamavedam
Aham devanam janimani vishva shatam ma pura ayaseerarkshan
Athah shyeno javasaa niradeeyamiti
Garbha evaitachchayano vamadeva evamuvacha

The sages who can fathom the depths of subtle truths could conceive the true nature of the embryonic manifestation of Brahman. This embryo, which is in the womb of Mother Nature, knows all the ideals that propel the movements in the manifested universe. It finds itself guarded by the many layers formed of past culture which stand like a citadel of iron. A hawk imprisoned in its egg feels the stirrings for liberation when it becomes aware of its true nature. Then it breaks the shell, which was protecting it, and comes out. Like this the embryo of the spirit of enterprise breaks out of its dormancy and comes out when it is ready. A being has two components. One component is the awareness of its status as an as an integral part of the undifferentiated Brahman. The second component is the propensity to break away from this undifferentiated status to establish its identity. The ideal for an integrated being ought to be the harmonious merger of the two components. Vamadeva is the ideal for this.

Sa evam vidvanasmachchareerabhedadoordhva
Utkramyamushmin svargaloke sarvan kamanaptva/mrutatva samhbhavata

Like this the enlightened persons recognize the factors that keep him attached to Mother Nature. By the power of his enlightenment he break the shell that keep him captive to come out and enjoy the sky of freedom, which is the abode of all ideals. This journey takes him to the attainment of all desirables. He finds peace and is relieved of all anxieties and fears. He attains the state of immortality.