Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Nature of One's Self

Man as conscious entity is aware of his separateness from the rest of the universe. He sees the rest of the universe as his environment. The quality of his awareness determines whether he looks upon his environment with love or hostility. When the knowledge that everything else evolved from the same source from which he evolved, and that his destiny is linked with everything else, is a part of its awareness he feels connected with the entire universe. It bridges the separateness he feels and fills his heart with a sense of belonging. He falls in love with the world.

To develop the awareness in this direction the rishi explores the process that brought about the separateness of a conscious entity.

All the entities in it with their separate identities are the projections of the same divine spirit. What is the process through which these projections evolved? The answer to this question will provide the link that connects what is perceived here with the underlying unity that connects everything here. It will throw light on the true nature of the separateness perceived by the entities here.


Everything started with the introduction of the concept of time. The word ‘start’ itself has meaning only when there is time. The abstract processes of becoming, being and getting consummated spontaneously came into being with the concept of time. The mantra ‘Om’ that signifies these processes boom as the primary mantra from which the entire manifested universe evolve.

Atma vaa idameka evaagre aseeta
Nanyat kinchanamishat
Sa eekshata lokanu sruja iti

In the beginning, before the process of projection is conceived, everything is dormant in the substantiality of the inner spirit. This spirit is alone and there is nothing other than this spirit. This spirit conceived in its subtle innards the creation of the worlds. In the perfect state of non-duality that transcends time, to imagine is to create. The inner spirit thus spontaneously created the world through which it express itself.

Sa imamllokanasrujata
Ambho mareechirmaramapo
Ambha parena divam dyou pratishtha/ntareeksham
Mareechayah pruthvee
Maro va adhistatta apah

The inner spirit created the various domains that constitute the manifested universe. It created the transcendental divinity that provided the point for convergence for all the lines of relevance. It created the lines of relevance that endowed movements with meaning. It created the earthiness and the mortal beings remaining entrapped in the laws of cause and effect. It created the moist flux of sensibilities for the operations of these beings here.

Thus the domain of awareness, the domain of ideals and the concepts of establishment and environment were born. The domain of earthiness was formed from the rays of relevance radiating fom the transcendental divinity. Everything in the earthy domain is ruled by the laws of cause and effect that emanate from the transcendental divinity, which remains as the primordial cause. From the mortal nature of the outgrowths at the bottom the ocean of sensibilities that sets the stage for transactions came into being.

Sa eekshate menu lokalokapalannu sruja iti
Sa adbhya eva purusham samudhrutya moorchchayat

For sustaining these domains the inner spirit conceived governing principles. Governance implies assertion based on a sense of righteousness. It implies the feeling of right and wrong and the strength to align with what is right. For performing the function of governance the inner spirit conceived the principle of virility.

Tamabhyatapa tasyabhitapasya

The principle of virility is the force that operates behind all movements in any domain. The inner spirit agitated itself by applying the principle of virility.

Mukham nirabhidhyata yatha/ndam

An incubated egg cracks at the right time to bring out a live chicken. Just like the cracking of an egg the well rounded continuity of the inner spirit that held within the potential to be cracked and definite facet developed. Words came out from this facet and through these words the fire of passion came into being. Feelings come alive by limiting view by focusing on a particular facet. Accepting limitation is a precondition for worldly existence.

Nasike nirabhidyetam nasikabhyam pranah pranadvayur

A passage opened up on this facet for the canalized flow of life forces. Life forces were inhaled through this passage. From the life forces currents of vitality came into being. The inner sky is connected to the outer sky through the currents of vitality.

Akshinee nirabhidyetamakshibhyam chakshu chakshusha aditya

Eyes opened up on this facet and through the eyes the enlightenment about the outside world flooded in. This enlightenment caused the power of discrimination. The rays of dharma reflected from everything could be clearly seen now. The principle of aditya, the celestial body of brilliance from which all rays of dharma emanate came into being.

Karnou nirabhidyetam karnabhyam shrotram shrotraddishah

Ears appeared on this facet and through the ears the myriad sounds floating about came in. The collective experience of the outside world was now available to provide a sense of direction while moving about.

Tvang nirabhidyetam tvacho lomani lomabhya oshadhi vanaspatayo

Skin appeared. It separated the facet from its environment. This separation gave rise to the possibility of major outgrowths from the facet that contribute to the infrastructure and the possibility of gentle corrective influences emanating from the facet. The principles of trees and herbs came about.

Hrudayam nirabhidyetam hrudayam mano manaschandrama

The facet developed a heart that could feel. Through the feelings of the heart mind and the reflection of aditya in mind as moonlight came out.

Nabhirnirabhidyetam nabhya apano/pananmrutyuh

The facet developed a navel and through this navel the currents of vitality flowed out for self expression. The principle of self spontaneously brought into being the principle of the annihilation of the self. Thus the principle of death came out through the navel.

Shishnam nirabhityetam shishndreto retasah apah

The facet developed the equipment for sensual enjoyment that promoted interactions. From this the potential for productive interactions and the development of sensibilities came into being.

Ityaitareyopanishadi prathamadhyaye prathama khandah

This is the first section of the first chapter of Eitereya Upanishad

The universal inner spirit thus manifests as a particular entity with a separate identity. This entity has its own passions, currents of vitality, awareness, sense of direction, boundaries, self expression, productive involvement and enjoyment. This is the true nature of one’s self.